1.) Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest
“Since 1990 I have been occupied creating new forms of life. Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basis for this new nature. I make skeletons that are able to walk on the wind, so they don’t have to eat. Over time, these skeletons have become increasingly better at surviving the elements such as storm and water and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on beaches, so they will live their own lives.”
See more of his “beests” here.
(via io9.com)
2.) Steve Loya’s Splotch Monsters
“Have you ever seen creatures in ketchup stains or monsters in muddy smudges? Here you will find imaginary critters formed from paint splotches and quite possibly more, posted up here on a daily basis.”
I’ve definitely made my fair share of far less glamorous splotch monsters out of coffee stains on meeting notes and investor reports. Cute idea.
Check out more of Steve’s daily splotch monsters on his blog.
3.) New Originals and Prints from Faile
New prints from my faves at Faile were released yesterday. As of this post, it looks as though they are already cleaned out, but prints were $2k and originals $7.5k. But don’t worry super fans, it looks as though you can still pick up their limited edition book for $70.
“FAILE PRINTS AND ORIGINALS STUDIO EDITION—-This book is a collection of Faile’s first decade of work, featuring prints and originals on paper produced between 1999 and 2009. These special studio editions are signed, stamped and embossed by Faile.”
Just thought it was interesting to see how the market is growing for their work. See, there may be a lu¢rative future for all you budding streetartists! Live fast! Die young! Leave a good looking corpse!
4.) Astronomy Picture of the Day
“Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.”
September 21, 2010
(How appropriate for Flux!)
“Explanation: How can the majesty of the night sky best be captured in a painting? This was a continual challenge for Vincent van Gogh, a famous painter in the late 1800s who pioneered stirring depictions of star filled skies into several of his works. Pictured above is van Gogh’s Starry Night Over the Rhone, where the French town of Arles is depicted complete with gas lights reflecting off the Rhone river. van Gogh’s night sky appears alive with turbulent stellar images contrasting with lofty dark blue hues. Above the river, one can discern the stars of the familiar Big Dipper asterism. Following a line connecting the two Big Dipper stars on the right, the North Star Polaris could be easily found, the height of which can then be estimated and actually gives the latitude where the painting was created.”
I am also fond of September 15th’s image and explanation.
(image via cookyourdream)
Food can be art. Right? New food inspiration site from NotCot launched last week and it looks amazing. It makes me wish a.)I had an amazing digital camera b.) I was more domestic c.) Had the patience and culinary prowess to put 1/81 of their featured treats together.
See more goodies here!
6.) The Shadow Play of Kumi Yamashita
Check out more of Kumi’s amazing light/shadow projects here.